Welcome to Britain's premier para-political investigative magazine Notes from the Borderland (NFB). We have been publishing the magazine since 1997 but produced some published material before then.
Our political perspective is Left/Green, but we welcome truth-tellers, whatever their affiliation. Research interests include the secret state (MI5/MI6/SO15 formerly Special Branch) & their assets, including those in the media. We are resolutely anti-fascist, and to that end investigate the far right and state infiltration of various milieus. In a shallow age where many TV programmes and print/internet stories are spoon-fed to servile journalists/bloggers by shadowy interests, NFB stands out as genuine investigative research. To find out more click on the Shop, & peruse information about each issue. Also check out Steve Booth's article 'Ten Years of Notes From the Borderland', below the list of magazines you find there. All this requires mental effort on your part--but don't let that stop you! So confident are we that NFB is worth subscribing to, visit the Shop (link above) and don't forget to look at our special offers. Take a chance--you won't be disappointed...
To republish anything on this site contact us first for permission - we will usually grant it for non-profit organisations, other requests will be looked at on a case by case basis. "Quotation is fine, plagiarism isn't" (Agent Q RIP).
We are always on the look out for
a) information, especially if backed up by verifiable documentation: in the first instance email nfbmagazineatyahoodotcodotuk. Our real mail address is BM Box 4769 London WC1N 3XX
b) interesting articles by new writers, whether for the magazine or this site: check out our Notes for Contributors
c) exchanges with other publications: contact us to discuss. We know our enemies quite rightly (from their perspective) will deny us the oxygen of publicity, but welcome reviews/mentions from others. Happy to send review copies.
d) this magazine certainly isn't a money-making venture, but we are philosophically and politically committed to a hard-copy product, and very pleased our production values have finally (as of issue 12) reached our goal. But to sustain this we need lots more sales/subscribers (and/or donations: more £=more frequent appearance!). Become a subscriber if you aren't already. Your life will never be the same and you will wonder why you ever found The Guardian interesting....
e) A final point about the site: like a much-loved country house set in beautiful but partly neglected parkland we are fully aware some articles (and images) need updating/finessing. But we are getting there, as many have remarked already. To access a veritable cornucopia of intriguing analysis, click on any/all of the subject category boxes either below, or to the right of this missive or even at the bottom of the home page. All a question of perspective. Like many things in life, it depends on your starting point. Bear with us, and help 'The Project'--you know it makes sense...